On some classes, like my witch doctor, I already had almost everything I needed in my stash, and it was just a matter of running a few rifts with her to get the last few pieces.

Unless you’re aiming for a set mastery conquest, I would highly suggest using non-seasonal characters. Speaking of gear, I got very good at farming during this project. There were several times when I had looked up the gear list* for a particular build and spent hours trying to farm specific items, then finally gave up and just ran with whatever I had laying around and it worked fine. Anything after that will make your clears easier, but is probably not required. You need your set pieces to unlock the dungeon, and there are often 1 or 2 key legendaries that really make the objectives possible. Having the right gear and builds is a huge part of this process, but I also found that, with a few exceptions, you shouldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good. I generally tried to run each dungeon blind on my first attempt, but after that I looked up a map and planned out my route. Also like PvP, knowing the map ahead of time and using it to your advantage will make life far easier. Making it all the way through a dungeon only to realize that you never found enough big groups to finish one of your objectives feels bad, but eventually you learn to weigh your success after the first minute of the dungeon or so, and just start over if you got an unlucky spawn. In a strange way the set dungeons remind me of PvP in MMOs, because you are playing the game in a different way than you are used to, and because you have to make your peace with the fact that you’re going to die a lot but dying is only a temporary setback. Working on set dungeon mastery made me realize that I needed to adjust my outlook and playstyle drastically in order to succeed.

I think that completing the full season journey in season 10 gave me the confidence and drive I needed to dust off this goal and get moving on it. There’s been a set dungeon requirement in every season since they debuted in early 2016, and it has always been one of the season journey tasks I’ve dreaded. Unfortunately when set dungeons actually launched I did not enjoy them at all. When set dungeons were first announced and they previewed those wings, I knew I had to have them.

I finally finished my goal of getting some sweet wings by mastering all of the (pre-necromancer) set dungeons in Diablo 3.